Information on Service 'RAVE - 4th data release'

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This service gives access to the 4th data release of RAVE (RAdial Velocity Experiment). It contains radial velocities of stars, stellar atmospheric parameters, some abundances and distances.

For a list of all services and tables belonging to this service's resource, see Information on resource 'RAVE - 4th data release'

Service Documentation

see also:, 2013AJ....146..134K, Kordopatis+, 2013: The Radial Velocity Experiment (RAVE): Fourth Data Release. Also see Vizier:


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local means it is listed on our front page, ivo_managed means it has a record in the VO registry.

Input Fields

The following fields are available to provide input to the service (with some renderers, some of these fields may be unavailable):

NameTable Head DescriptionUnitUCD
DEC Delta (ICRS) Declination (ICRS decimal) deg pos.eq.dec
HRV HRV Heliocentric radial velocity km/s spect.dopplerVeloc;pos.heliocentric
hscs_pos Position/Name Coordinates (as h m s, d m s or decimal degrees), or SIMBAD-resolvable object N/A N/A
hscs_sr Search radius Search radius in arcminutes N/A N/A
maxrec Match limit Maximum number of records returned. Pass 0 to retrieve service parameters. N/A N/A
RA Alpha (ICRS) Right Ascension (ICRS decimal) deg pos.eq.ra
responseformat Output Format File format requested for output. N/A meta.code.mime
SR Search Radius Search radius deg N/A
verb Verbosity Exhaustiveness of column selection. VERB=1 only returns the most important columns, VERB=2 selects the columns deemed useful to the average user, VERB=3 returns a table with all available columns. N/A N/A

Default Output Fields

The following fields are contained in the output by default. More fields may be available for selection; these would be given below in the VOTable output fields.

NameTable Head DescriptionUnitUCD
age age log_10(age) Age estimation log10(age(yr)) time.age
Al Al [Al/H] abundance of Al dex phys.abund.Z
Al_N Al_N Number of used spectral lines in calc. of [Al/H] N/A meta.number
Algo_Conv_K Algo_Conv_K 0 = MATISSE converged. 1 = no convergence. 2 = MATISSE oscillates between two values and the mean has been performed. 3 = results of MATISSE at the boundaries or outside the grid and the DEGAS value has been adopted 4 = then the metal-poor giants with snr less than 20 have been re-run by degas with a scale factor (ie, internal parameter of DEGAS) of 0.40 [0,1,2,3,4] meta.code.qual
alpha_SPARV alpha_SPARV [Alpha/Fe] dex phys.abund
Av Av log_10(Av) optical extinction, see p4 ff, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 000, 1-8 (2012) log_10(Av) phys.absorption
B1mag_USNOB1 B1mag_USNOB1 B mag from USNO-B mag phot.mag;em.opt.B
B2mag_USNOB1 B2mag_USNOB1 B mag from USNO-B mag phot.mag;em.opt.B
c1 c1 minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (see enumeration) [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w] meta.code
c10 c10 minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (see enumeration) [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w] meta.code
c11 c11 minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (see enumeration) [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w] meta.code
c12 c12 minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (see enumeration) [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w] meta.code
c13 c13 minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (see enumeration) [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w] meta.code
c14 c14 minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (see enumeration) [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w] meta.code
c15 c15 minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (see enumeration) [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w] meta.code
c16 c16 minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (see enumeration) [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w] meta.code
c17 c17 minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (see enumeration) [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w] meta.code
c18 c18 minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (see enumeration) [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w] meta.code
c19 c19 minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (see enumeration) [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w] meta.code
c2 c2 2.nd minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (see enumeration) [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w] meta.code
c20 c20 minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (see enumeration) [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w] meta.code
c3 c3 3.rd minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (see enumeration) [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w] meta.code
c4 c4 minimuml distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (see enumeration) [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w] meta.code
c5 c5 minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (see enumeration) [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w] meta.code
c6 c6 minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (see enumeration) [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w] meta.code
c7 c7 minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (see enumeration) [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w] meta.code
c8 c8 minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (see enumeration) [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w] meta.code
c9 c9 minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (see enumeration) [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w] meta.code
CHISQ_c CHISQ_c chi square [Chemical pipeline] N/A
CorrectionRV CorrectionRV Zero point correction applied Heliocentric Radial Velocity km/s spect.dopplerVeloc;arith.zp
CorrelationCoeff CorrelationCoeff Tonry-Davis $R$ correlation coefficient (R+) stat.correlation
DEdeg DEdeg Declination (J2000 GCS) deg pos.eq.dec;meta.main
dist dist Distance (kpc) kpc pos.distance
Dist_2MASS Dist_2MASS Center Distance Target-Catalog [J2000] (see Note XQFL) arcsec pos.angDistance
Dist_DENIS Dist_DENIS Center Distance Target-Catalog [J2000] (see Note XQFL) arcsec pos.angDistance
Dist_PPMXL Dist_PPMXL Center Distance Target-Catalog [J2000] (see Note XQFL) arcsec pos.angDistance
Dist_TYCHO2 Dist_TYCHO2 Center Distance Target-Catalog [orig. period, approx. formula] (see Note XQFL) arcsec pos.angDistance
Dist_UCAC2 Dist_UCAC2 Center Distance Target-Catalog [J2000] (see Note XQFL) arcsec pos.angDistance
Dist_UCAC3 Dist_UCAC3 Center Distance Target-Catalog [J2000] (see Note XQFL) arcsec pos.angDistance
Dist_UCAC4 Dist_UCAC4 Center Distance Target-Catalog [J2000] (see Note XQFL) arcsec pos.angDistance
Dist_USNOB1 Dist_USNOB1 Center Distance Target-Catalog [J2000] (see Note XQFL) arcsec pos.angDistance
DistanceModulus_Binney DistanceModulus_Binney N/A N/A N/A
e_age e_age error log_10(age) error of age estimation log10(age(yr)) stat.error;time.age
e_Av e_Av error log_10(Av) optical extinction, see p4 ff, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 000, 1-8 (2012) log_10(eAv) stat.error;phys.absorption
e_dist e_dist Error of Distance kpc stat.error;pos.distance
e_mass e_mass Error of Mass Msun stat.error;phys.mass
e_parallax e_parallax N/A mas stat.error;pos.parallax
eDistanceModulus_Binney eDistanceModulus_Binney N/A N/A N/A
eHmag_2MASS eHmag_2MASS error 2MASS H magnitude mag stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.H
eHRV eHRV Error of Heliocentric radial velocity stat.error km/s stat.error;spect.dopplerVeloc;pos.heliocentric
eImag_DENIS eImag_DENIS error DENIS I magnitude mag stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I
eJmag_2MASS eJmag_2MASS error 2MASS J magnitude mag stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.J
eJmag_DENIS eJmag_DENIS error DENIS J magnitude mag stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.J
eKmag_2MASS eKmag_2MASS error 2MASS K magnitude mag stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.K
eKmag_DENIS eKmag_DENIS error DENIS K magnitude mag stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.K
elogg_K elogg_K Gravity dex phys.gravity
eMet_K eMet_K [m/H] dex phys.abund.Z
epmDE_PPMXL epmDE_PPMXL Proper Motion error (Declination) mas/yr stat.error;
epmDE_TYCHO2 epmDE_TYCHO2 Proper Motion error (Declination) mas/yr stat.error;
epmDE_UCAC2 epmDE_UCAC2 Proper Motion error (Declination) mas/yr stat.error;
epmDE_UCAC3 epmDE_UCAC3 Proper Motion error (Declination) mas/yr stat.error;
epmDE_UCAC4 epmDE_UCAC4 Proper Motion error (Declination) mas/yr stat.error;
epmRA_PPMXL epmRA_PPMXL Proper Motion error (Right Ascension) mas/yr stat.error;
epmRA_TYCHO2 epmRA_TYCHO2 Proper Motion error (Right Ascension) mas/yr stat.error;
epmRA_UCAC2 epmRA_UCAC2 Proper Motion error (Right Ascension) mas/yr stat.error;
epmRA_UCAC3 epmRA_UCAC3 Proper Motion error (Right Ascension) mas/yr stat.error;
epmRA_UCAC4 epmRA_UCAC4 Proper Motion error (Right Ascension) mas/yr stat.error;
eSkyHRV eSkyHRV Error of Measured Sky Heliocentric Radial Velocity km/s spect.dopplerVeloc
eTeff_K eTeff_K Effective Temperature error K phys.temperature.effective
Fe Fe [Fe/H] abundance of Fe dex phys.abund.Z
Fe_N Fe_N Number of used spectral lines in calc. of [Fe/H] N/A meta.number
FiberNumber FiberNumber Instrument FiberNumber [1,150]
FieldName FieldName Center of Observed Field (RA/Dec) N/A;meta.file
Glat Glat Latitude (J2000 GCS) deg
Glon Glon Longitude (J2000 GCS) deg pos.galactic.lon
Hmag_2MASS Hmag_2MASS H selected default magnitude from 2MASS mag phot.mag;em.IR.H
HRV HRV Heliocentric radial velocity km/s spect.dopplerVeloc;pos.heliocentric
ID_2MASS ID_2MASS 2MASS designation N/A
ID_TYCHO2 ID_TYCHO2 TYCHO2 designation N/A
ID_UCAC2 ID_UCAC2 UCAC2 designation N/A
ID_UCAC3 ID_UCAC3 UCAC3 designation N/A
ID_UCAC4 ID_UCAC4 UCAC4 designation N/A
ID_USNOB1 ID_USNOB1 USNOB-1 designation N/A
Imag_DENIS Imag_DENIS Input Catalog I magnitude mag phot.mag;em.opt.I
Imag_USNOB1 Imag_USNOB1 Input Catalog I magnitude mag phot.mag;em.opt.I
Jmag_2MASS Jmag_2MASS J selected default magnitude from 2MASS mag phot.mag;em.IR.J
Jmag_DENIS Jmag_DENIS J selected default magnitude from 2MASS mag phot.mag;em.IR.J
Kmag_2MASS Kmag_2MASS K_s selected default magnitude from 2MASS mag phot.mag;em.IR.K
Kmag_DENIS Kmag_DENIS K_s selected default magnitude from 2MASS mag phot.mag;em.IR.K
logg_K logg_K Gravity dex phys.gravity
logg_SPARV logg_SPARV Gravity dex phys.gravity
mass mass Mass Msun phys.mass
Met_K Met_K [m/H] dex phys.abund.Z
Met_N_K Met_N_K [m/H], (matisse-calibrated) dex phys.abund.Z
Mg Mg [Mg/H] abundance of Mg dex phys.abund.Z
Mg_N Mg_N Number of used spectral lines in calc. of [Mg/H] N/A meta.number
Ni Ni [Ni/H] abundance of Ni dex phys.abund.Z
Ni_N Ni_N Number of used spectral lines in calc. of [Ni/H] N/A meta.number
Obsdate Obsdate Observation Date (YYYYMMDD) YYYYMMDD time.obs
parallax parallax Parallax mas pos.parallax
PeakHeight PeakHeight Height of correlation peak [0,1] stat.correlation;stat.value
PeakWidth PeakWidth Width of correlation peak km/s stat.correlation;stat.value
PlateNumber PlateNumber Instrument Plate Number [1,2,3];instr.plate
pmDE_PPMXL pmDE_PPMXL Proper Motion (Declination) mas/yr
pmDE_TYCHO2 pmDE_TYCHO2 Proper Motion (Declination) mas/yr
pmDE_UCAC2 pmDE_UCAC2 Proper Motion (Declination) mas/yr
pmDE_UCAC3 pmDE_UCAC3 Proper Motion (Declination) mas/yr
pmDE_UCAC4 pmDE_UCAC4 Proper Motion (Declination) mas/yr
pmRA_PPMXL pmRA_PPMXL Proper Motion (Right Ascension) mas/yr
pmRA_TYCHO2 pmRA_TYCHO2 Proper Motion (Right Ascension) mas/yr
pmRA_UCAC2 pmRA_UCAC2 Proper Motion (Right Ascension) mas/yr
pmRA_UCAC3 pmRA_UCAC3 Proper Motion (Right Ascension) mas/yr
pmRA_UCAC4 pmRA_UCAC4 Proper Motion (Right Ascension) mas/yr
R1mag_USNOB1 R1mag_USNOB1 R mag from USNO-B mag phot.mag;em.opt.R
R2mag_USNOB1 R2mag_USNOB1 R mag from USNO-B mag phot.mag;em.opt.R
RAdeg RAdeg Right Ascension (J2000 GCS) deg pos.eq.ra;meta.main
RAVE_OBS_ID RAVE_OBS_ID Unique Identifier for RAVE objects: Observation Date, Fieldname, Fibernumber N/A;meta.main
RAVEID RAVEID (J2000 GCS) $RA_h,$RA_m,(int(10*$RA_s+0.51))/10.0,$DEsign,$DE_h,$DE_m,int($DE_s+0.51)) RA(hh:mm:ss) Dec(hh:mm:ss) from fits file N/A
Si Si [Si/H] abundance of Si dex phys.abund.Z
Si_N Si_N Number of used spectral lines in calc. of [Si/H] N/A meta.number
SkyCorrelationCoeff SkyCorrelationCoeff N/A N/A N/A
SkyHRV SkyHRV Measured Sky Heliocentric Radial Velocity km/s spect.dopplerVeloc
SNR_K SNR_K Signal/Noise Ratio of Pipeline V 5.x (R+) stat.snr
Teff_K Teff_K Effective Temperature K phys.temperature.effective
Teff_SPARV Teff_SPARV Effective Temperature K phys.temperature.effective
Ti Ti [Ti/H] abundance of Ti dex phys.abund.Z
Ti_N Ti_N Number of used spectral lines in calc. of [Ti/H] N/A meta.number
XidQualityFLAG_2MASS XidQualityFLAG_2MASS Cross-Identification Flag (see Note XQFL) N/A meta.code.qual
XidQualityFLAG_DENIS XidQualityFLAG_DENIS Cross-Identification Flag (see Note XQFL) N/A meta.code.qual
XidQualityFLAG_PPMXL XidQualityFLAG_PPMXL Cross-Identification Flag (see Note XQFL) N/A meta.code.qual
XidQualityFLAG_TYCHO2 XidQualityFLAG_TYCHO2 Cross-Identification Flag (see Note XQFL) N/A meta.code.qual
XidQualityFLAG_UCAC2 XidQualityFLAG_UCAC2 Cross-Identification Flag (see Note XQFL) N/A meta.code.qual
XidQualityFLAG_UCAC3 XidQualityFLAG_UCAC3 Cross-Identification Flag (see Note XQFL) N/A meta.code.qual
XidQualityFLAG_UCAC4 XidQualityFLAG_UCAC4 Cross-Identification Flag (see Note XQFL) N/A meta.code.qual
XidQualityFLAG_USNOB1 XidQualityFLAG_USNOB1 Cross-Identification Flag (see Note XQFL) N/A meta.code.qual
ZeroPointFLAG ZeroPointFLAG Quality Flag for ZeroPoint correction (see DR3, Note ) N/A meta.code.qual

VOTable Output Fields

The following fields are available in VOTable output. The verbosity level is a number intended to represent the relative importance of the field on a scale of 1 to 30. The services take a VERB argument. A field is included in the output if their verbosity level is less or equal VERB*10.

NameTable Head DescriptionUnitUCD Verb. Level
RAVE_OBS_ID RAVE_OBS_ID Unique Identifier for RAVE objects: Observation Date, Fieldname, Fibernumber N/A;meta.main 1
RAVEID RAVEID (J2000 GCS) $RA_h,$RA_m,(int(10*$RA_s+0.51))/10.0,$DEsign,$DE_h,$DE_m,int($DE_s+0.51)) RA(hh:mm:ss) Dec(hh:mm:ss) from fits file N/A 1
RAdeg RAdeg Right Ascension (J2000 GCS) deg pos.eq.ra;meta.main 1
DEdeg DEdeg Declination (J2000 GCS) deg pos.eq.dec;meta.main 1
Glon Glon Longitude (J2000 GCS) deg pos.galactic.lon 1
Glat Glat Latitude (J2000 GCS) deg 1
HRV HRV Heliocentric radial velocity km/s spect.dopplerVeloc;pos.heliocentric 1
eHRV eHRV Error of Heliocentric radial velocity stat.error km/s stat.error;spect.dopplerVeloc;pos.heliocentric 1
CorrelationCoeff CorrelationCoeff Tonry-Davis $R$ correlation coefficient (R+) stat.correlation 1
PeakHeight PeakHeight Height of correlation peak [0,1] stat.correlation;stat.value 1
PeakWidth PeakWidth Width of correlation peak km/s stat.correlation;stat.value 1
CorrectionRV CorrectionRV Zero point correction applied Heliocentric Radial Velocity km/s spect.dopplerVeloc;arith.zp 1
SkyHRV SkyHRV Measured Sky Heliocentric Radial Velocity km/s spect.dopplerVeloc 1
eSkyHRV eSkyHRV Error of Measured Sky Heliocentric Radial Velocity km/s spect.dopplerVeloc 1
SkyCorrelationCoeff SkyCorrelationCoeff N/A N/A N/A 1
ZeroPointFLAG ZeroPointFLAG Quality Flag for ZeroPoint correction (see DR3, Note ) N/A meta.code.qual 1
ID_TYCHO2 ID_TYCHO2 TYCHO2 designation N/A 1
Dist_TYCHO2 Dist_TYCHO2 Center Distance Target-Catalog [orig. period, approx. formula] (see Note XQFL) arcsec pos.angDistance 1
XidQualityFLAG_TYCHO2 XidQualityFLAG_TYCHO2 Cross-Identification Flag (see Note XQFL) N/A meta.code.qual 1
pmRA_TYCHO2 pmRA_TYCHO2 Proper Motion (Right Ascension) mas/yr 1
epmRA_TYCHO2 epmRA_TYCHO2 Proper Motion error (Right Ascension) mas/yr stat.error; 1
pmDE_TYCHO2 pmDE_TYCHO2 Proper Motion (Declination) mas/yr 1
epmDE_TYCHO2 epmDE_TYCHO2 Proper Motion error (Declination) mas/yr stat.error; 1
ID_UCAC2 ID_UCAC2 UCAC2 designation N/A 1
Dist_UCAC2 Dist_UCAC2 Center Distance Target-Catalog [J2000] (see Note XQFL) arcsec pos.angDistance 1
XidQualityFLAG_UCAC2 XidQualityFLAG_UCAC2 Cross-Identification Flag (see Note XQFL) N/A meta.code.qual 1
pmRA_UCAC2 pmRA_UCAC2 Proper Motion (Right Ascension) mas/yr 1
epmRA_UCAC2 epmRA_UCAC2 Proper Motion error (Right Ascension) mas/yr stat.error; 1
pmDE_UCAC2 pmDE_UCAC2 Proper Motion (Declination) mas/yr 1
epmDE_UCAC2 epmDE_UCAC2 Proper Motion error (Declination) mas/yr stat.error; 1
ID_UCAC3 ID_UCAC3 UCAC3 designation N/A 1
Dist_UCAC3 Dist_UCAC3 Center Distance Target-Catalog [J2000] (see Note XQFL) arcsec pos.angDistance 1
XidQualityFLAG_UCAC3 XidQualityFLAG_UCAC3 Cross-Identification Flag (see Note XQFL) N/A meta.code.qual 1
pmRA_UCAC3 pmRA_UCAC3 Proper Motion (Right Ascension) mas/yr 1
epmRA_UCAC3 epmRA_UCAC3 Proper Motion error (Right Ascension) mas/yr stat.error; 1
pmDE_UCAC3 pmDE_UCAC3 Proper Motion (Declination) mas/yr 1
epmDE_UCAC3 epmDE_UCAC3 Proper Motion error (Declination) mas/yr stat.error; 1
ID_UCAC4 ID_UCAC4 UCAC4 designation N/A 1
Dist_UCAC4 Dist_UCAC4 Center Distance Target-Catalog [J2000] (see Note XQFL) arcsec pos.angDistance 1
XidQualityFLAG_UCAC4 XidQualityFLAG_UCAC4 Cross-Identification Flag (see Note XQFL) N/A meta.code.qual 1
pmRA_UCAC4 pmRA_UCAC4 Proper Motion (Right Ascension) mas/yr 1
epmRA_UCAC4 epmRA_UCAC4 Proper Motion error (Right Ascension) mas/yr stat.error; 1
pmDE_UCAC4 pmDE_UCAC4 Proper Motion (Declination) mas/yr 1
epmDE_UCAC4 epmDE_UCAC4 Proper Motion error (Declination) mas/yr stat.error; 1
Dist_PPMXL Dist_PPMXL Center Distance Target-Catalog [J2000] (see Note XQFL) arcsec pos.angDistance 1
XidQualityFLAG_PPMXL XidQualityFLAG_PPMXL Cross-Identification Flag (see Note XQFL) N/A meta.code.qual 1
pmRA_PPMXL pmRA_PPMXL Proper Motion (Right Ascension) mas/yr 1
epmRA_PPMXL epmRA_PPMXL Proper Motion error (Right Ascension) mas/yr stat.error; 1
pmDE_PPMXL pmDE_PPMXL Proper Motion (Declination) mas/yr 1
epmDE_PPMXL epmDE_PPMXL Proper Motion error (Declination) mas/yr stat.error; 1
Obsdate Obsdate Observation Date (YYYYMMDD) YYYYMMDD time.obs 1
FieldName FieldName Center of Observed Field (RA/Dec) N/A;meta.file 1
PlateNumber PlateNumber Instrument Plate Number [1,2,3];instr.plate 1
FiberNumber FiberNumber Instrument FiberNumber [1,150] 1
Teff_K Teff_K Effective Temperature K phys.temperature.effective 1
eTeff_K eTeff_K Effective Temperature error K phys.temperature.effective 1
logg_K logg_K Gravity dex phys.gravity 1
elogg_K elogg_K Gravity dex phys.gravity 1
Met_K Met_K [m/H] dex phys.abund.Z 1
Met_N_K Met_N_K [m/H], (matisse-calibrated) dex phys.abund.Z 1
eMet_K eMet_K [m/H] dex phys.abund.Z 1
SNR_K SNR_K Signal/Noise Ratio of Pipeline V 5.x (R+) stat.snr 1
Algo_Conv_K Algo_Conv_K 0 = MATISSE converged. 1 = no convergence. 2 = MATISSE oscillates between two values and the mean has been performed. 3 = results of MATISSE at the boundaries or outside the grid and the DEGAS value has been adopted 4 = then the metal-poor giants with snr less than 20 have been re-run by degas with a scale factor (ie, internal parameter of DEGAS) of 0.40 [0,1,2,3,4] meta.code.qual 1
Al Al [Al/H] abundance of Al dex phys.abund.Z 1
Al_N Al_N Number of used spectral lines in calc. of [Al/H] N/A meta.number 1
Si Si [Si/H] abundance of Si dex phys.abund.Z 1
Si_N Si_N Number of used spectral lines in calc. of [Si/H] N/A meta.number 1
Fe Fe [Fe/H] abundance of Fe dex phys.abund.Z 1
Fe_N Fe_N Number of used spectral lines in calc. of [Fe/H] N/A meta.number 1
Ti Ti [Ti/H] abundance of Ti dex phys.abund.Z 1
Ti_N Ti_N Number of used spectral lines in calc. of [Ti/H] N/A meta.number 1
Ni Ni [Ni/H] abundance of Ni dex phys.abund.Z 1
Ni_N Ni_N Number of used spectral lines in calc. of [Ni/H] N/A meta.number 1
Mg Mg [Mg/H] abundance of Mg dex phys.abund.Z 1
Mg_N Mg_N Number of used spectral lines in calc. of [Mg/H] N/A meta.number 1
CHISQ_c CHISQ_c chi square [Chemical pipeline] N/A 1
Teff_SPARV Teff_SPARV Effective Temperature K phys.temperature.effective 1
logg_SPARV logg_SPARV Gravity dex phys.gravity 1
alpha_SPARV alpha_SPARV [Alpha/Fe] dex phys.abund 1
ID_2MASS ID_2MASS 2MASS designation N/A 1
Dist_2MASS Dist_2MASS Center Distance Target-Catalog [J2000] (see Note XQFL) arcsec pos.angDistance 1
XidQualityFLAG_2MASS XidQualityFLAG_2MASS Cross-Identification Flag (see Note XQFL) N/A meta.code.qual 1
Jmag_2MASS Jmag_2MASS J selected default magnitude from 2MASS mag phot.mag;em.IR.J 1
eJmag_2MASS eJmag_2MASS error 2MASS J magnitude mag stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.J 1
Hmag_2MASS Hmag_2MASS H selected default magnitude from 2MASS mag phot.mag;em.IR.H 1
eHmag_2MASS eHmag_2MASS error 2MASS H magnitude mag stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.H 1
Kmag_2MASS Kmag_2MASS K_s selected default magnitude from 2MASS mag phot.mag;em.IR.K 1
eKmag_2MASS eKmag_2MASS error 2MASS K magnitude mag stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.K 1
Dist_DENIS Dist_DENIS Center Distance Target-Catalog [J2000] (see Note XQFL) arcsec pos.angDistance 1
XidQualityFLAG_DENIS XidQualityFLAG_DENIS Cross-Identification Flag (see Note XQFL) N/A meta.code.qual 1
Imag_DENIS Imag_DENIS Input Catalog I magnitude mag phot.mag;em.opt.I 1
eImag_DENIS eImag_DENIS error DENIS I magnitude mag stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I 1
Jmag_DENIS Jmag_DENIS J selected default magnitude from 2MASS mag phot.mag;em.IR.J 1
eJmag_DENIS eJmag_DENIS error DENIS J magnitude mag stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.J 1
Kmag_DENIS Kmag_DENIS K_s selected default magnitude from 2MASS mag phot.mag;em.IR.K 1
eKmag_DENIS eKmag_DENIS error DENIS K magnitude mag stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.K 1
ID_USNOB1 ID_USNOB1 USNOB-1 designation N/A 1
Dist_USNOB1 Dist_USNOB1 Center Distance Target-Catalog [J2000] (see Note XQFL) arcsec pos.angDistance 1
XidQualityFLAG_USNOB1 XidQualityFLAG_USNOB1 Cross-Identification Flag (see Note XQFL) N/A meta.code.qual 1
B1mag_USNOB1 B1mag_USNOB1 B mag from USNO-B mag phot.mag;em.opt.B 1
R1mag_USNOB1 R1mag_USNOB1 R mag from USNO-B mag phot.mag;em.opt.R 1
B2mag_USNOB1 B2mag_USNOB1 B mag from USNO-B mag phot.mag;em.opt.B 1
R2mag_USNOB1 R2mag_USNOB1 R mag from USNO-B mag phot.mag;em.opt.R 1
Imag_USNOB1 Imag_USNOB1 Input Catalog I magnitude mag phot.mag;em.opt.I 1
parallax parallax Parallax mas pos.parallax 1
e_parallax e_parallax N/A mas stat.error;pos.parallax 1
dist dist Distance (kpc) kpc pos.distance 1
e_dist e_dist Error of Distance kpc stat.error;pos.distance 1
DistanceModulus_Binney DistanceModulus_Binney N/A N/A N/A 1
eDistanceModulus_Binney eDistanceModulus_Binney N/A N/A N/A 1
Av Av log_10(Av) optical extinction, see p4 ff, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 000, 1-8 (2012) log_10(Av) phys.absorption 1
e_Av e_Av error log_10(Av) optical extinction, see p4 ff, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 000, 1-8 (2012) log_10(eAv) stat.error;phys.absorption 1
age age log_10(age) Age estimation log10(age(yr)) time.age 1
e_age e_age error log_10(age) error of age estimation log10(age(yr)) stat.error;time.age 1
mass mass Mass Msun phys.mass 1
e_mass e_mass Error of Mass Msun stat.error;phys.mass 1
c1 c1 minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (see enumeration) [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w] meta.code 1
c2 c2 2.nd minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (see enumeration) [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w] meta.code 1
c3 c3 3.rd minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (see enumeration) [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w] meta.code 1
c4 c4 minimuml distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (see enumeration) [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w] meta.code 1
c5 c5 minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (see enumeration) [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w] meta.code 1
c6 c6 minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (see enumeration) [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w] meta.code 1
c7 c7 minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (see enumeration) [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w] meta.code 1
c8 c8 minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (see enumeration) [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w] meta.code 1
c9 c9 minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (see enumeration) [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w] meta.code 1
c10 c10 minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (see enumeration) [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w] meta.code 1
c11 c11 minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (see enumeration) [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w] meta.code 1
c12 c12 minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (see enumeration) [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w] meta.code 1
c13 c13 minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (see enumeration) [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w] meta.code 1
c14 c14 minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (see enumeration) [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w] meta.code 1
c15 c15 minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (see enumeration) [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w] meta.code 1
c16 c16 minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (see enumeration) [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w] meta.code 1
c17 c17 minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (see enumeration) [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w] meta.code 1
c18 c18 minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (see enumeration) [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w] meta.code 1
c19 c19 minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (see enumeration) [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w] meta.code 1
c20 c20 minimum distance to base spectrum given by one of the types (see enumeration) [a,b,c,d,e,g,h,n,o,p,t,u,w] meta.code 1

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